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Το προσωπικό του Εργαστηρίου απαρτίζεται από Καθηγητές και Λέκτορες του Τμήματος Τεχνών Ήχου και Εικόνας, και από υποψήφιους διδάκτορες.

Παναγόπουλος Μιχαήλ

Διευθυντής Εργαστηρίου - Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής με γνωστικό αντικείμενο «Αναγνώριση Προτύπων σε Εικαστικές, Καλλιτεχνικές και Πολιτισμικές Εφαρμογές»

Προσωπική Ιστοσελίδα: http://www.ionio.gr/~mpanagop/

Επιστημονικά περιοδικά
D. Arabadjis, F. Giannopoulos, C. Papaodysseus, S. Zannos, P. Rousopoulos, M. Panagopoulos, C. Blackwell, “New mathematical and algorithmic schemes for pattern classification with application to the identification of writers of important ancient documents”, Pattern Recognition, 2013.
C. Papaodysseus, D. Arabadjis, M. Exarchos, P. Rousopoulos, S. Zannos, M. Panagopoulos, L. Papazoglou-Manioudaki, “Efficient solution to the 3D problem of automatic wall paintings reassembly”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 64, Issue 8, Pages 2712-2734, 2012.
Dimitris Arabadjis, Panayiotis Rousopoulos, Constantin Papaodysseus, Michalis Exarhos, Michalis Panagopoulos, Member IEEE, and Lena Papazoglou-Manioudaki, "Optimization in Differentiable Manifolds in Order to Determine the Method of Construction of Prehistoric Wall-Paintings", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 33, Issue 11, Page(s): 2229- 2244, November, 2011.
P. Rousopoulos, C. Papaodysseus, D.Arabadjis, M. Exarhos, M. Panagopoulos, “Reconstruction of c.1650 B.C. Fragmented Wall Paintings by Exploitation of the Thematic Content”, International Journal of Imaging, 5- (11), pp. 1-7, 2011.
Roussopoulos P., Papaodysseus C., Arabadjis D., Exarhos M., and Panagopoulos M., “Image and pattern analysis for the determination of the method of drawing celebrated thera wall-paintings circa 1650 B.C.” ACM, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Vol. 3, Issue 2, p.p. 1-21,Sep. 2010
D. Arabadjis, C. Papaodysseus, P. Rousopoulos, M. Panagopoulos “On The Mathematical Formulation Of The Problem Of Reassembling Fragmented Objects: Two New Theorems”, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (Springer), Volume 34, Numbers 1-2, 81-100, 2010.
M. Panagopoulos, C. Papaodysseus, P. Roussopoulos, D. Dafi, S. Tracy “Automatic writer identification of ancient Greek inscriptions” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 31, Issue 8, Page(s): 1404-1414, August, 2009.
C. Papaodysseus, M. Exarhos, M. Panagopoulos, P. Roussopoulos, C. Triantafillou, Th. Panagopoulos “IMAGE AND PATTERN ANALYSIS FOR 1650 B.C.WALL PAINTINGS STUDY AND RECONSTRUCTION” , IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, Volume: 38, Issue: 4, July 2008
C. Papaodysseus., M. Panagopoulos, P. Rousopoulos, G. Galanopoulos & C. Doumas “Geometric templates used in the Akrotiri (Thera) wall-paintings” Antiquity Volume 82, Number 316, Page 401-408, 2008.
St. Tracy, C. Papaodysseus , P. Rousopoulos, M. Panagopoulos, D. Fragoulis, D.Dafi, Th. Panagopoulos. “Identifying Hands on Ancient Athenian Inscriptions: First Steps towards a Digital Approach”. Archaeometry Vol. 49 Issue 4 Page 749 November 2007.
C. Papaodysseus, D. K. Fragoulis, M. Panagopoulos, T. Panagopoulos, P. Rousopoulos, M. Exarhos, and A. Skembris “Determination of the Method of Construction of 1650 B.C. Wall Paintings”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, VOL. 28, NO. 9, September 2006.
D. Fragoulis., A. Skembris., C. Papaodysseus., P. Rousopoulos. , Th. Panagopoulos., M. Panagopoulos., C. Triantafyllou. , A. Vlachopoulos And C. Doumas “Origins and Application of Geometry in the Thera Prehistoric Civilization Ca. 1650 BC”, CENTAURUS 2005: VOL. 47: PP. 316– 340
D. Fragoulis, M. Exarhos., C. Papaodysseus., A. Skembris, P. Roussopoulos, M. Panagopoulos, G. Roussopoulos, Th. Panagopoulos, “A General Methodology for Timbre Determination and Identification with Application to Sax – Flute”, WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music, Issue 1, Vol.2, ISSN: 1109-9577, pp. 38-42, January 2005
Πρακτικά συνεδρίων
D. Arabadjis, C. Papaodysseus, S. Zannos, F. Giannopoulos, E. Kalfa, P. Rousopoulos, M. Panagopoulos, C. Blackwell, “A new approach for the identification of writers of important ancient documents”, IEEE Proceedings of DSP 2013, Santorini, 2013.
P. Rousopoulos, M. Panagopoulos, C. Papaodysseus, F. Panopoulou, D. Arabdjis, S. Tracy, F. Giannopoulos, S. Zannos, “A New Approach For Ancient Inscriptions’ Writer Identification”, IEEE Proceedings of DSP 2011, Corfu, 2011.
Constantin Papaodysseus, Panayiotis Rousopoulos, Dimitris Arabadjis, Fivi Panopoulou , Michalis Panagopoulos, "Handwriting Automatic Classification: Application to Ancient Greek Inscriptions", IEEE 2010 International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, AIS 2010 , art. no. 5547045.
M. Panagopoulos, P. Roussopoulos, D. Arabadjis, C. Papaodysseus, “Ιnformation system for graphological identification”, IEEE Society Proceedings of Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Corfu 2009.
Panayiotis Rousopoulos, Dimitris Arabadjis, Michalis Panagopoulos, Constantin Papaodysseus, Elena Papazoglou, Determination of the Method of Drawing of Prehistoric Wall-Paintings via Original Methods of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2009, Cairo, Egypt.
D. Arabadjis, P. Rousopoulos, C. Papaodysseus, M. Panagopoulos, P. Loumou, G. Theodoropoulos «Determination of the Mechanoelastic Properties of Parasites via Analysis of their Microscopic Images» IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Athens, October 2008.
C. Papaodysseus, D. Arabadjis, M. Panagopoulos, P. Rousopoulos, M. Exarhos and E. Papazoglou «Automated Reconstruction of Fragmented Objects Using Their 3D Representation - Application to Important Archaeological Finds» ΙΕΕΕ 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’08), Beijing, October 2008.
M. Panagopoulos, P. Roussopoulos, C. Papaodysseus, D. Arabadjis, G. Galanopoulos and St. Tracy «An information system for graphological identification of writers of ancient Greek inscriptions» 5ο Συμπόσιο Αρχαιομετρίας της Ελληνικής Αρχαιομετρικής Εταιρείας, Αθήνα, Οκτώβριος 2008.
Κ. Παπαοδυσσεύς, Π. Ρουσόπουλος, Μ. Παναγόπουλος, Γ. Γαλανόπουλος, Δ. Φραγκούλης, Θ. Παναγόπουλος, Κ. Τριανταφύλλου «Εφαρμογή Προηγμένων Μεθόδων Επεξεργασίας Εικόνας, Αναγνώρισης Προτύπων και Πληροφορικής σε Αρχαιολογικά Ευρήματα», Ημερίδα ‘Οι Νέες Τεχνολογίες στα Μουσεία’ Ελληνική Ομοσπονδία Σωματείων Φίλων των Μουσείων, Αθήνα, Ιούνιος 2007.
Κ. Παπαοδυσσεύς, Μ. Παναγόπουλος, Π. Ρουσόπουλος, «Ανάπτυξη Μεθόδων Ψηφιακής Επεξεργασίας Εικόνων και Αναγνώρισης Προτύπων και Εφαρμογής τους σε Αρχαιολογικά Ευρήματα» Ημερίδα ‘Οι Νέες Τεχνολογίες στις Αρχαιογνωστικές Επιστήμες’, Ρόδος, Οκτώβριος 2006.
Κ. Παπαοδυσσεύς, Αθ. Παναγόπουλος, Γ. Ρουσόπουλος, Δ. Φραγκούλης, Μ. Παναγόπουλος, Α. Σκέμπρης, Π. Ρουσόπουλος, Γ. Γαλανόπουλος «Προηγμένα Γεωμετρικά Πρότυπα στις Τοιχογραφίες του Προϊστορικού Οικισμού Ακρωτηρίου Σαντορίνης», 2ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Τεχνολογίας ΤΕΕ, Οκτώβριος 2005.
Κεφάλαια σε τόμους

Chapter title: “Chapter 7: Automatic Identification of the Writer of Ancient Greek Inscriptions, Employing Methods of Computer Engineering and Mathematics”, Constantin Papaodysseus, Michail Panagopoulos, Panayotis Rousopoulos, Dimitris Arabadjis, Fivi Panopoulou, Solomon Zannos, Fotios Giannopoulos, Steven Tracy, Book: “Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing in Archaeometry: Mathematical and Computational Solutions for Archaeology”, IGI Global - Hershey, PA, USA, 2012.
